The Broken books are imperfect romances that follow best friends Ruby and Evie as they attempt to navigate life and relationships post-college while trying to find out who they are as individuals and what they really want from life.

Self-discovery, making mistakes, and family trauma are huge themes in these books.

“On my very best days, I’m hanging from a very delicate thread, walking an even more delicate line over a river of broken things that I’ve barely managed not to let consume me. I do this by existing behind a veil of biased facts I tell myself about what happens when you expect better from people and what they can do to you when you let them in. Despite all of this, somehow, he had made it in…”

-Ruby, Broken People

White smoke, clouds


Ruby Vaughn lives her life by a certain set of rules. One of these rules clearly states that things like love and greatness—anything beyond basic contentment, really—was meant for other people, but not for her. A freelance writer by day and a bartender by night, Ruby spends what spare time she has watching her best friend, Evie, live a dream that’s always going to be just out of reach for her and the man she’s in love with, Alex, fall in love with someone else.

She’d resigned her fate to living a little smaller—a little safer—to keep her darkness to herself, but then she meets Jake, and nothing will ever be the same.

Raw with emotion and beautifully flawed, Ruby, as the antihero of her own story, is bound to captivate and resonate with readers who know what it’s like to lose and feel lost, and to find themselves again in the most unexpected of places.


Broken Apart is a short novella that tells the end of Broken People from Jake’s perspective.

Shattered Glass Illustration


From the outside, Evie Hale has the perfect life: a successful writing career, lots of friends, and the perfect fiancé.

She has what everyone else wants—the most that anyone could reasonably ask for—and yet, it isn’t enough, and she’s not quite sure why.

Evie manages to stuff it down—to quiet the part of her inside that’s screaming something is wrong until she runs into Adrian—a small and seemingly insignificant part of her past who evokes something in her she hasn’t felt in a long time.

With a wedding looming near and everyone’s eyes and expectations weighing heavily on her, what will she do?

“Sometimes, it feels like my life has become a revolving door of living the same day over and over again, and the moments when I actually feel alive have become just that—only moments.”

-Evie, Broken Reverie