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about Elle

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Elle Mitchell is an avid reader, daydreamer, devourer of knowledge, and author of new adult contemporary and dark romance. Her books are both plot and spice and center around flawed, relatable characters dealing with real-life issues and struggles which may be triggering to some readers. They’re messy—like real life—and emotional. She can’t promise that all of her books will depict what a healthy relationship should look like at every turn. She rejects purity themes. The best she can do is promise an eventual HEA when it’s all said and done.

Her brand of romance has been known to rip hearts out. She’s known affectionately as the “Angst Queen” by her street team, The Angsty Babes.

You can find her books on Amazon and Kindle.

Golden Glitter Illustration

"You need to be careful taking things in stride, or someday you’ll wake up and realize you’ve made such a habit of giving in

that you have no fucking clue who you are or how to fight for yourself."

-Ezra, The Pieces We Leave Behind

Books by Elle

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Golden Glitter Illustration
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order signed paperbacks here

Gold Crown in Doodle Style. Cold Glitter Texture.
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Elle’s Angsty Babes